The Context

Why "The Context?"

David says: “I have always refrained from commenting on current news. On one hand I didn’t believe that I would have necessarily something to say on what was being reported in the media on a daily basis or even a monthly basis. And on the other hand, I felt and still feel that, the value of such commentary diminishes very rapidly with time.

What is the value of a talking about what a given celebrity or a given politician did in a month or a year or 10 years. I always felt that it would be important to talk about the meaning of what was happening in a broader view. So a broader context.

How does technology impact the lives of individuals? What is the role of learning and education in a rapidly changing world? Can we truly thrive in a world where machines are ever more empowered? Where are human values leading us, building a shared future? How can we find manageable answers in a complex world?

My aim is to make this platform the place where we can explore these and other topics in a setting that is aimed to participants who are really passionate about the future, and our ability to positively influence it.

The title of this video series came up in a conversation with my friend Massimo Curatella. I really want to use the opportunity to deepen our shared understanding of the implications of what is going on in the world.”

What Can You Do?

When David talks to people at the end of the conferences he keynotes, they bombard him with questions, which he is very happy to answer, but the time is always less than he would want.

He creates content with the aim of building a shared understanding about the most important challenges for humankind. Do you want to know The Context around the most pressing topics of our society?

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Become part of The Context community and support David’s mission. Be a part of future episodes of The Context by asking him your most ambitious questions. Please follow the accounts on TwitterFacebook, subscribe to the YouTube channel, participate in the Discord community.

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Become a Patron: he is eager to create our future together with you!