Is This Idea Novel? An AI Based Scoring System

I’ve developed a simple approach to numerically score the novelty of ideas, using LLMs.

For several years I have been recording my meetings, both internal and external, with the permission of the participants. Lately I have been also passing the meeting transcript through an automated editing step, so that it would read better, with complete sentences flowing well, rather than the spoken words that often are interrupted with the listener completing a sentence through the context. Recently I added a second step, checking what was novel or unexpected that I said, so that if I mentioned an analogy, a metaphor, or I shared an idea during the meeting, it would not be lost, but separated and highlighted, for additional exploration, eventually. Now the last step I am adding is applying a scoring system to the evaluation of the level of novelty of the ideas that emerge. (Of course using LLMs)

Here is the prompt:

Please analyze the following idea and provide a novelty assessment based on these criteria:

  1. Uniqueness: How different is this idea from existing solutions? List the top 5 most similar existing solutions and explain the key differences.
  2. Market Gap: Identify the primary unmet needs or problems in the relevant field. How effectively does this idea address these gaps compared to existing solutions?
  3. Technological Advancement: Assess the technological components of this idea. How does it leverage or combine cutting-edge technologies? Are there any novel applications of existing technologies?
  4. Scalability: Analyze the scalability potential of this idea. What factors would facilitate or hinder its adoption across different markets or industries?
  5. Cross-disciplinary Impact: Identify the primary field of this idea and list related fields. How does this idea incorporate insights or methodologies from these related fields in a novel way?

For each criterion, provide a score from 0-10, where:
0-2: Not novel
3-4: Slightly novel
5-6: Moderately novel
7-8: Highly novel
9-10: Groundbreaking

Based on these assessments, calculate an overall novelty score (weighted average):

  • Uniqueness: 25%
  • Market Gap: 20%
  • Technological Advancement: 25%
  • Scalability: 15%
  • Cross-disciplinary Nature: 15%

Finally, provide a brief summary of the idea's key strengths in terms of novelty and any areas for further development.

Is the idea novelty scoring idea novel?

And of course I applied the scoring to the idea novelty scoring idea itself!

  1. Uniqueness Assessment:
    “Analyze the idea of using LLMs to assess the novelty of ideas in the context of innovation management. List the top 5 most similar existing solutions and explain how this idea differs from each.”

The idea of using LLMs to assess the novelty of ideas is relatively unique, but not entirely without precedent. Here are the top 5 similar existing solutions:

  1. Traditional patent searches: This method involves manually searching patent databases. Our LLM approach differs by being more automated and able to assess non-patentable ideas.
  2. Creativity assessment tools: These often rely on human experts or fixed algorithms. Our approach is more flexible and can tap into a vast, up-to-date knowledge base.
  3. Bibliometric analysis: This uses citation patterns to assess novelty. Our LLM approach can understand context and nuance beyond just citations.
  4. AI-powered innovation management platforms: While these exist, they often focus on idea generation rather than novelty assessment. Our approach specifically targets novelty evaluation.
  5. Semantic analysis tools: These analyze text for novelty but lack the deep understanding and reasoning capabilities of LLMs.

Our idea differs by combining the broad knowledge of LLMs with a structured assessment framework, offering a more comprehensive and nuanced evaluation of novelty.

Uniqueness Score: 8/10

  1. Market Gap Analysis:
    “Identify the primary unmet needs or problems in innovation management. Evaluate how effectively the idea of using LLMs to assess novelty addresses these gaps compared to existing solutions.”

Primary unmet needs in innovation management include:

  • Rapid assessment of large volumes of ideas
  • Objective evaluation without human bias
  • Up-to-date knowledge of current innovations across fields
  • Consistent scoring across different types of ideas

The LLM-based novelty assessment addresses these gaps effectively by:

  • Processing ideas quickly and at scale
  • Providing a standardized, less biased evaluation
  • Leveraging continuously updated knowledge
  • Offering a flexible framework applicable to various domains

Market Gap Score: 9/10

  1. Technological Assessment:
    “Assess the technological components of using LLMs to assess idea novelty. How does it leverage or combine cutting-edge technologies in innovation management? Are there any novel applications of existing technologies?”

This idea leverages cutting-edge natural language processing and machine learning technologies, specifically:

  • Large language models (e.g., GPT-4, Claude)
  • Prompt engineering techniques
  • Automated scoring algorithms

It combines these technologies in a novel way by applying them to the specific task of novelty assessment. This is a relatively new application of LLMs, which have more commonly been used for content generation or question-answering.

Technological Advancement Score: 8/10

  1. Scalability Evaluation:
    “Analyze the scalability potential of using LLMs to assess idea novelty. What factors would facilitate or hinder its adoption across different markets or industries?”

Facilitating factors:

  • LLMs can be applied to ideas from various fields
  • The process can be largely automated
  • It can be integrated into existing innovation management systems

Hindering factors:

  • Dependency on access to advanced LLM APIs
  • Potential concerns about idea confidentiality when using external APIs
  • Need for domain-specific fine-tuning for best results

Overall, the idea has high scalability potential across industries, though some adaptation may be needed for specific domains.

Scalability Score: 7/10

  1. Cross-disciplinary Impact:
    “Identify the primary field of using LLMs to assess idea novelty and list related fields. How does this idea incorporate insights or methodologies from these related fields in a novel way?”

Primary field: Innovation Management

Related fields:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Patent Law
  • Creativity Research
  • Data Science

This idea incorporates insights from these fields by:

  • Using AI and NLP techniques for idea analysis
  • Adapting patent novelty criteria to general idea assessment
  • Applying creativity research metrics to quantify novelty
  • Utilizing data science methods for scoring and analysis

The novel combination of these insights allows for a more comprehensive and nuanced assessment of idea novelty than traditional methods in any single field.

Cross-disciplinary Nature Score: 9/10

Final Novelty Score: 8.2/10

This score falls in the “Highly novel” category of our scoring system, indicating that using LLMs to assess the novelty of ideas represents a new approach to a known problem in innovation management.

To store this assessment within the conversation, we can format it as follows:

Idea: Using LLMs to assess the novelty of ideas
Novelty Score: 8.2/10 (Highly novel)

Criteria Breakdown:
- Uniqueness: 8/10
- Market Gap: 9/10
- Technological Advancement: 8/10
- Scalability: 7/10
- Cross-disciplinary Nature: 9/10

Key Strengths:
1. Combines LLM capabilities with structured novelty assessment
2. Addresses significant gaps in rapid, objective idea evaluation
3. Novel application of NLP technologies to innovation management
4. High potential for cross-industry application

Areas for Further Development:
1. Fine-tuning for specific domains or industries
2. Addressing potential confidentiality concerns
3. Integrating with existing innovation management systems

This assessment provides a comprehensive evaluation of the idea’s novelty, highlighting its strengths and areas for further development. It can be easily referenced and compared with other ideas in future conversations.

Is the approach able to recognize non-novel ideas?

Here is a neutral description of something that already exists. Can you recognize what it is?

"Introducing a new culinary invention: a food product made from a mixture of wheat flour and water, formed into long, cylindrical strands. Each strand measures approximately the width of a thin pencil and extends to nearly a foot in length. Designed for boiling in water, these strands become soft and pliable while maintaining a slight firmness when cooked. This product is highly versatile and serves as a base for various sauces, including tomato-based and creamy cheese options. Its ability to absorb flavors has the potential to make it a staple in diverse culinary traditions. This innovative food item offers simplicity in preparation and adaptability in meal creation."

Yes, the scoring system’s final judgment is damning! Just 1.95!
Here’s the detailed evaluation:

I'll analyze this culinary invention based on the provided criteria:

  1. Uniqueness (Score: 1/10 - Not novel)

Top 5 most similar existing solutions:
a) Pasta (particularly spaghetti)
b) Udon noodles
c) Chinese lo mein noodles
d) Vermicelli
e) Ramen noodles

Key differences: There are essentially no significant differences between this idea and existing pasta/noodle products, particularly spaghetti. The description matches almost exactly with traditional pasta, which has been a staple food for centuries.

  1. Market Gap (Score: 1/10 - Not novel)

The primary unmet needs in the food industry typically revolve around health concerns, convenience, sustainability, and novel flavor experiences. This product doesn't address any particular gap that isn't already filled by existing pasta and noodle products. It doesn't offer any new nutritional benefits, improved convenience, or unique flavors compared to current solutions.

  1. Technological Advancement (Score: 0/10 - Not novel)

This idea doesn't leverage or combine any cutting-edge technologies. The process of making pasta from wheat flour and water, extruding it into long strands, and cooking it by boiling has been established for centuries. There are no novel applications of existing technologies presented in this concept.

  1. Scalability (Score: 8/10 - Highly novel)

While the idea itself isn't novel, pasta as a product is highly scalable, which is why it's a global staple food. Factors facilitating adoption:

  • Simple ingredients and production process
  • Long shelf life
  • Cultural adaptability
  • Versatility in cuisine

The only hindering factor might be competition from established brands and products.

  1. Cross-disciplinary Impact (Score: 2/10 - Not novel)

Primary field: Food Science / Culinary Arts

Related fields:

  • Agriculture (wheat production)
  • Nutrition
  • Food Manufacturing
  • Gastronomy

This idea doesn't incorporate any novel insights or methodologies from related fields. The combination of wheat cultivation, food processing, and culinary applications in pasta production is well-established.

Overall Novelty Score:
(1 * 0.25) + (1 * 0.20) + (0 * 0.25) + (8 * 0.15) + (2 * 0.15) = 1.95 out of 10

This idea essentially describes pasta, particularly spaghetti, which has been a staple food product for centuries. Its key strength in terms of novelty is its high scalability, which is why pasta has become a global food item. However, as an invention, it lacks novelty across all other criteria.

Areas for further development:
To increase novelty, consider:

  1. Incorporating alternative, sustainable ingredients
  2. Developing new production methods that enhance nutritional value
  3. Creating unique shapes or textures that offer new culinary experiences
  4. Integrating smart packaging or preparation technologies
  5. Exploring ways to address specific dietary needs or restrictions

In its current form, this idea doesn't present any novel aspects that differentiate it from existing pasta products.