Self-awareness, and introspection are uniquely evolved human capabilities. Recognizing our own identity and states of mind brings us to question how well we are coping with our challenges. A dogmatic attitude will rigidly pretend that all is well, that all assumptions are valid, and that there is no need to worry. A more thoughtful and adaptive one will allow for mistakes instead.
Recognizing the mistakes in ones assumptions and attitudes is the first step to overcoming a natural resistance, and accepting the need to change. A great word for expressing this capacility of an increased recognition of the need to change one’s mind is metanoia.
In a social environment you can build more resilient organizations by extending this self reflection to each other. Allowing for the need to criticize and highlight false assumptions creates an open attitude, ready to question everything, and to come to new conclusions. Including the fact that there has to be a balance between excesses of metanoia and the preservation of your worldview and identity. This healthy dynamic sets the basis for creative, adaptable, and resilient mental attitudes.