The Context – Il contesto

I’m launching a new video series, entitled The Context, to give a deeper understanding of the implications of current events, and technologies shaping the world. The first episode is about Libra.

Welcome to The Context this week. We are going to look at what is the context for Libra, the digital payment system announced by Facebook that is going to launch in 2020. But of course this is the first episode of this new weekly video series. So it is important that I explained to you a little bit why it has been born and what is the context for The Context.

I have always refrained from commenting on current news. On one hand I didn’t believe that I would have necessarily something to say on what was being reported in the media on a daily basis or even a monthly basis. And on the other hand, I felt and still feel that, the value of such commentary diminishes very rapidly with time. What is the value of a talking about what a given celebrity or a given politician did in a month or a year or 10 years. I always felt that it would be important to talk about the meaning of what was happening in a broader view. So a broader context. The title of this video series came up in a conversation with my friend Massimo Curatella. I really want to use the opportunity to deepen our shared understanding of the implications of what is going on in the world.

The Context is going to be posted on a weekly basis on Patreon. It is a rhythm that I haven’t kept in the past. And this is a really an interesting challenge for me as well as for the Network Society Media Team, Emil Olaru, Graciela Marquez, and all the others that are helping me putting the videos together as I travel. I will try to record the videos either during the week or at a maximum on Friday so that they can be edited on Saturday and posted on Sunday. And I will also of course, welcome your questions, your feedback, your input, both on what should The Context address and analyze as well as what possibly I should go back to give a further context for.

So let’s talk about Libra.
[Watch the video on Patreon…]