
“Robots will colonize space, without human beings”

Robots will colonize space, without human beings There’ll be a new civilization, the sum of human intelligence and artificial intelligence, where artificial intelligence will be able to analyze a problem, identify the resources needed to deal with it, plan a strategy, adapt and improve itself to resolve the problem.” It will do this not only

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The future of machines and humanity

At the invitation of Marco Trombetti, founder of Translated, I gave a talk in the beautiful amphitheater of Pi Campus in Rome, entitled “The future of machines and humanity“. (Video in Italian.) [youtube][/youtube] Starting from the acceleration of technological change, the increase in computing power and the number of devices that make up the Internet of Things,

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The Amazon Mechanical Turk that represents a potential revolution

Amazon has just announced the Amazon Mechanical Turk, which in my opinion will bring great advantages to both the web, and to a lot of people, potentially representing the livelihood of millions soon. The AMT is a web interface linking meatspace with cyberspace at the backend. We are accustomed to seeing people in front of

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