Wolfram does music

When Stephen Wolfram’s long awaited book A New Kind Of Science came out, one of the challenges of reviewers, and readers alike was finding good examples of applications for the approach described. The feeling of power, and importance that the author wanted to project was often lost on those who couldn’t follow the mathematics in

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Open Source Marketing manifesto

Ok. So ChangeThis kindly sent me the “blogger’s preview” edition of their manifestos. One of them this time is especially interesting, as it talks about “Open Source Marketing”, and yes, it is worth blogging. But, as the manifesto is in PDF, I am actually not pointing to it, but I invite other people to download

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Opinion radars?

I am always glad to see how a meme could spread… Let’s see if opinion radar is a good one. Opinion radar has been proposed by Marco Montemagno to better contextualize the Technorati tag searches. The link I added to the previous sentence is the example of its use, and actually at this time it

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