Open Source Marketing manifesto

Ok. So ChangeThis kindly sent me the “blogger’s preview” edition of their manifestos. One of them this time is especially interesting, as it talks about “Open Source Marketing”, and yes, it is worth blogging. But, as the manifesto is in PDF, I am actually not pointing to it, but I invite other people to download […]

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Opinion radars?

I am always glad to see how a meme could spread… Let’s see if opinion radar is a good one. Opinion radar has been proposed by Marco Montemagno to better contextualize the Technorati tag searches. The link I added to the previous sentence is the example of its use, and actually at this time it

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Bootstraping humans

Memes made sure they had an environment to thrive on by accelerating the evolution of humans. Research covered in the Guardian describes how the evolution of the human brain has been very quick in confront of that of other species, and attributes it to the pressures of the social environment. The new replicator takes control

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New replicator found?

In an understandably vague article, that tries to explain in layman’s terms the meaning of a new theorem about the interactions of quantum states with the environment, Nature announces the results of a team of US physicists, that aims to explain the objective shared reality we observe, through the involvement of a new replicator. This

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Dissent Is Not Un-American

Geof Stone is guest-blogging on about dissent, and how politicized media or strong-arming politics can suppress it, or try tint it with shades implied guilt. One of the most commovent views at a trip I took to the US in November 2001 was a poster the width of the entire building, at the second

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