
This category contains posts that cover technology.

Unbounded memetic landscape

John Battelle is asking for comments on his vision of a world with Perfect Search. Well, the world of the Perfect Search would not be interesting. Asimov was great in exploring in his “I Robot” short stories the shortcomings and unintended consequences of his own laws. I can much more easily imagine someone building a […]

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Fiction is not science

I would be surpised if Asimov thought his laws could become the basis of the real science of AI or sentient robots. The fun of his short stories, and probably of writing them as well must have been been also coming from the quirks of the interactions of the laws with the real world, and how their

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For the record

I like a lot, but their choice of what to save sometimes differs from mine: I’d rather take a snapshot of what the homepage of looks like right now… robocup-homepage Originally uploaded by david.orban.

For the record Read More »

Playing with Flickr

“This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.” says the test post generated by Flickr itself. Maybe they are a bit too sticky, requiring registration for the most basic display of photos, too? The flash based photo roll thay I inserted in the right hand column of the blog is really

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