
Living with Bots

Are you worried about bots, and spam accounts and fake accounts on the various social media platforms? You could decide that this worry should be translated into some kind of eradication of the bots problem, but I want to argue that the opposite is true. We must welcome bots, and learn to live together with […]

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“We’ll Live Forever and We’ll Become Cyborgs”

I’ve been interviewed in Panorama, an Italian weekly magazine. (Thanks to Dotwords for the English translation, which I slightly edited.) We’ll Live Forever and we’ll Become Cyborgs Super-smart droids will work instead of us. Whereas we will be data sets with the ability to reincarnate at will. The future according to Singularity University’s David Orban.

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Interviewed on exponentials, implants and mind uploading

The radio transmission Eta Beta of RAI Radio 1 conducted by Massimo Cerofolini talked about transhumanism in the episode entitled L’ultima sfida dei padroni della Rete: l’immortalità (The ultimate challenge of masters of the Web: Immortality),aired May 28, 2015. I talked, interviewed on Singularity University, on the radical life extension and the mind uploading. Massimo

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On Becoming A Cyborg

When I implanted an NFC chip in my left hand about two months ago at the Singularity University Summit Europe in Amsterdam, I followed the tradition of our species that a hundred thousand years or more ago decided to become a cyborg. The NFC chip, sold through the aptly named Dangerous Things website, is embedded

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