
This category contains posts that cover science.

The Trouble With Physics, and the end in sight?

“The Trouble With Physics” by Lee Smolin For hundreds of years science progressed, and physics was one of the main sciences following the method that having experiments and theories going hand in hand, could offer new and exciting interpretations for the worlds phenomena. This mechanism, giving the foundations of our agricultural, technological, and medical progress, […]

The Trouble With Physics, and the end in sight? Read More »

Joining the Lifeboat Foundation Advisory Board

I have been invited to join the Scientific Advisory Board of the Lifeboat Foundation. The Lifeboat Foundation is a nonprofit nongovernmental organization dedicated to encouraging scientific advancements while helping humanity survive existential risks and possible misuse of increasingly powerful technologies, including genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics/AI, as we move towards a technological singularity. It will

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Tommaso’s thoughts, as tracked by the ‘New Scientist’

My friend Tommaso has been thinking aloud on his blog, about quarks, the Higgs boson, and the origin of gravity, experimental results, and their interpretations. And as he kept thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and, well… thinking, other people noticed, and among them the UK magazine ‘New Scientist‘ which I picked up at Victoria Station

Tommaso’s thoughts, as tracked by the ‘New Scientist’ Read More »

Wolfram does music

When Stephen Wolfram’s long awaited book A New Kind Of Science came out, one of the challenges of reviewers, and readers alike was finding good examples of applications for the approach described. The feeling of power, and importance that the author wanted to project was often lost on those who couldn’t follow the mathematics in

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Bootstraping humans

Memes made sure they had an environment to thrive on by accelerating the evolution of humans. Research covered in the Guardian describes how the evolution of the human brain has been very quick in confront of that of other species, and attributes it to the pressures of the social environment. The new replicator takes control

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