
This category contains posts that don’t cover any specific topic.

Benefiting from Exponentials Globally

Singularity University is expanding through the SingularityU Global program. The launch of SingularityU Milan, the first Italian chapter, is part of this program. It allows orders of magnitude more people to directly participate in its events and leverage the power of exponential technologies. When Singularity University launched in 2009, one of the first things that

Benefiting from Exponentials Globally Read More »

Common Sense and Technology Turn Problems into Fun Challenges

My daughter, Giordana, 15, and her boyfriend, Emil, 18, wanted to go to Lucca Comics. A couple of mistakes turned their trip into a day-long adventure involving trains, police, banks and a lot of laughter. With the use of common sense, empathy and technology, they went through the challenges of the day unscathed and learned quite a

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Exponential legislation

Long election cycles, and slow legislation are a natural part of representative democracy, and are inadequate to the needs of a world that is rapidly changing. Analyzing, proposing, discussing, approving, implementing measuring and updating laws and regulations must be possible today using technologies with orders of magnitude finer grained feedback than previously. Invited by Intergruppo

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Talking AI into the night

  At Singularity University (SU) the alumni reunions allow every year to catch up, not only with the projects that each of us is working on, but also through the faculty updates, the breathtaking speed with which the various fields are changing. The event, during the weekend right after the Graduate Studies Program’s (GSP) closing ceremony,

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You’ve got to be kidding!

When you were a little kid as you grew up everything was new to you, and you were ready to take it all in, without any preconceptions. Neoteny is the persistence of childlike qualities in adulthood, and it is an essential behavioral adaptation in today’s rapidly changing world. The universe is a black box to a child. A fascinating

You’ve got to be kidding! Read More »

What did you teach today?

In an era of universal and instantaneous access to knowledge and of planetwide horizontal connections to leverage expertise, learning without teaching is not only sterile and potentially meaningless, but forgoes the closing of positive feedback loops and misses the virtuous cycle that further spreading of knowledge and experience allows.  We are bombarded by many different

What did you teach today? Read More »

Interoperability, morality and biocompatibility in the Internet of Things

In the episode aired on June 5 of 2024 of Radio 24 I’ve had a conversation with the show’s conductor Enrico Pagliarini about interoperability, morality and biocompatibility of the Internet of Things. The following is the translation of the edited transcript of the interview which was originally recorded in Italian. Enrico Pagliarini: This week we talk

Interoperability, morality and biocompatibility in the Internet of Things Read More »