
Half Life of Skills

When deciding what is worth developing in terms of professional skills, there is an important concept to consider, and I would like to talk about it: the Half Life of Skills. I’m often asked for advice about skills that are worth developing or learning, and I am always very happy to provide my feedback. These […]

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Bitcoin Doesn’t Care

Does Bitcoin matter? Does Bitcoin care? What do you think about it? The President of the United States believes that Bitcoin indeed matters. He labeled it a potential threat to the national security of the United States of America. I don’t think that Bitcoin cares about what the President of the United States thinks about

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Don’t Believe That Bitcoin is Wasteful

Don’t believe that Bitcoin is wasteful. We are building the global financial and economic infrastructure for the 21st century, the Bitcoin Network. There are superficial arguments that Bitcoin must be stopped, but they are misplaced.We are building the global financial and economic infrastructure for the 21st century, the Bitcoin Network. When you think about money

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Methods and Tools for Learning in the 21st Century

Learning not only the pieces of knowledge, but the additional tools that are dearly needed in order to be active, thriving components in today’s and tomorrow’s society is key. Evidently, current academic and educational institutions are not up to the job, while gamification, Learn to Earn and other components in moving to a decentralized system

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Bitcoin Improves the Sovereignty of Nations

Bitcoin and mining are going to deliver an increased degree of sovereignty, not only to individuals, but to entire nations. Bitcoin and mining are going to deliver an increased degree of sovereignty, not only to individuals, but to entire nations. Today, we are living in an energy financial system that is unsustainable, it must and

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Becoming a Grandfather

A month ago, I became a grandfather. I am very happy! This is the start of what I would call the completion of my genetic duty. Congratulations to Jacopo and Sara, and welcome Emily! The role of grandparents plays an important foundation in human society. It frees up the parents either for a precious few

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