
Talking to AIs

We often imagine technology in our science fiction scenarios that is very different from what happens when it becomes available. Today, we are starting to talk about Artificial Intelligence that is not exactly like what was depicted in the Sci-Fi books we were reading decades ago. There has been an explosion of experimentation in the […]

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Mental Health

We must be alert to each other, and make sure human relationships, augmented by technology, allow us to nurture our mental health. Talking about mental health must become as natural and widespread as talking about. Mental health is a delicate subject that we are not accustomed to address. There are a lot of biases around the

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Human Networks

With modern technology platforms, the networks of connections that we can leverage go way beyond the limits of our biological and social evolution, the original circle of contacts in a village. The Dunbar Number of 150 meaningful connections may increase, augmented by the power of social networks and both synchronous and asynchronous channels of communication.

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The evolving human condition

Human technological civilization existed on the planet for ten thousand years, and has had an effect strong enough all around for this period to be called the Antropocene by Nobel Prize winning chemist Paul Krutzen. It is not exactly clear how people lived twenty or thirty thousand years ago, with idealistic views about communal sharing

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Bootstraping humans

Memes made sure they had an environment to thrive on by accelerating the evolution of humans. Research covered in the Guardian describes how the evolution of the human brain has been very quick in confront of that of other species, and attributes it to the pressures of the social environment. The new replicator takes control

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