
Nurturing Curiosity

We have to maintain and nurture the curiosity we naturally exhibited as children. Even if we are bombarded by messages that want us to conform, from schools that impose uniform behaviors and learning rhythms, to workplaces that put us in specific boxes both physically and in measuring our inputs, our individuality and the different ways

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Adventures in Seoul

Traveling to foreign countries, to experience their language and culture, the different ways of living, is accessible to an increasing number of people. My daughter Giordana is moving to Seoul, and I am with her to help her in the first steps along the road. Her adventures will be fascinating, she will make a lot

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The Workflow

When I started recording and airing The Context a few months ago, I didn’t very much know how the process would work. Yes, my team would help in the process, but it would not be clear who would do what exactly, and when. It took a lot of episodes, and persistence, to learn the steps,

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Young Disruption

What is the right age to introduce children to the disruptions hitting our society? Shouldn’t we, rather than talking to executives or people who are founding startups actually target high schoolers or even earlier, children in elementary school? They would then understand the power of exponential technologies and what is happening in society sooner rather

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