artificial intelligence

Intel Is Jolting

At a recent conference on the future of electronics manufacturing, the Chief Architect of Intel, Raja Koduri, presented a compelling picture for delivering a 1000 times increase in the power of AI systems by 2025. He counts on the ecosystem of third parties, as well as Intel’s engineering prowess, to achieve a 4x improvement in

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Topic Extraction

Flooded by increasing amounts of data, we need ever more evolved tools to be able to interpret them and to act upon them. Artificial Intelligence tools, based on natural language processing, image recognition using neural networks, and via many other approaches, are assisting us to understand the information, including what we ourselves produce. Today computer

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Jolting AI

Between 2012 and 2018 the power of the infrastructure available for applications in artificial intelligence increased over three hundred thousand times. If it followed Moore’s law, it would have been much less, around 7 times or so. Stanford University in its 2019 report on AI, and in a blog post OpenAI analyzed and illustrated this

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Island Ecosystems

The ecosystems of islands, whether biological or economical, allow for unprecedented experimentation, supported by their natural isolation. I’m in Malta, where Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies are being actively supported by the local regulator, giving a clear platform, and sandboxes to try to see what works. Malta has a history of resilience, a small nation

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Computer Languages

Originally very close to the machine, now computer programming languages take advantage of multiple layers of abstraction and make developers very productive. Various approaches that reflect the needs of the time are developed and adopted. Object oriented programming, integrated development environments, testing and deployment suits. With time, through the decades, we’ve become able to produce

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Thinking with X

We are convinced, through the collective narrative leveraging our scientific understanding, that we think with our brains. While that is true, there is much more: some of us think with our stomach, an sculptor will think with her hands, a ballet dancer with her entire body. Our proprioception extends feedback loops outside of the body,

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