
Memetic Engineering

The purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk is a concrete step in understanding how the evolution of ideas can be turned into mathematics and mimetic engineering, which will play an increasingly fundamental role in a world dominated by Artificial Intelligence and advanced technologies. Technology is feeding on itself. It is the expression of our understanding […]

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Glorious Times

We live in glorious times. 1000 years from now people will look back and wonder: “How was it to live in the 21st century?” Did we realize what we were going through and how fundamental the decisions that we made would be seen in the future? There are unique moments in history that we recognize

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Learn to Earn

What is the value of knowledge? And how can you both acquire and then deploy knowledge in order to leverage that value, create more knowledge, create more value in a wonderful, virtuous circle? That is the basis of civilization. It has been important but difficult to measure what you could actually do with the knowledge

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Jolting Decentralization

Technological change not only accelerates. It is jolting. What are the consequences of this jolting technological change? Several years ago, I concluded decentralization was the unstoppable consequence across many different sectors. I could see that new technologies were leading in the same direction.I published. at the time the Network Society Manifesto and the Fundamental Thesis

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Nations Evolve, too

We build societies based on the technologies that we have available, on the social contract that we can articulate expressing the mutual interest that we have in order to achieve our goals, and the ability to structure these goals in a way that reinforces the particular unit that the society encompasses. In this way, societies

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Intel Is Jolting

At a recent conference on the future of electronics manufacturing, the Chief Architect of Intel, Raja Koduri, presented a compelling picture for delivering a 1000 times increase in the power of AI systems by 2025. He counts on the ecosystem of third parties, as well as Intel’s engineering prowess, to achieve a 4x improvement in

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The names and labels that we give to things, allow us to concentrate our attention on their nature, guided by the intuition and the associations that the name elicits, as every name represents an analogy, or a metaphor to another object or a concept. In reality, it is an interesting chain of cultural heritage. And

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